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George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations


Founded in 2017. The George H.W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations was founded to foster a positive U.S.-China relations and to reflect the values of former President George H.W. Bush. The Foundation aims to perpetuate his visionary and engage in the highest attributes of true statesmanship. 


As a new nonprofit, The George H.W. Bush Foundation needed brand strategy and brand architecture to advance its mission. Z LAB not only developed these assets, but also generated branding content to be implemented alongside them. In addition to these services, we established concrete marketing and communication strategies to expedite the foundation’s ongoing projects. 

Our work ranged from collateral material development to logo design and the modeling of a traditional Chinese motif inspired award to honor President Carter’s work in China. As the nonprofit takes off, Z LAB is working to produce a site that will advance the foundation’s mission. Furthermore, we have cultivated a branding strategy encompassing insights from both the US and China, echoing the foundation’s pursuit of bridging the two countries. With the help of Z LAB, the Bush Foundation has successfully organized its brand under a multi-faceted entity and positioned itself to grow from a foundation built on research methodology. 


Z LAB took charge in syncing both English and Chinese into branding material so that the Foundation can operate more efficiently. Now with an established brand architecture, the Foundation is seeking to host more initiatives that can boost rewarding interactions between U.S. and China entities. To complement these endeavors, Z LAB is actively creating events to promote this up and coming organization. 

  • Date

    March 15, 2019

  • Client

    The George H. W. Bush Foundation

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